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Opening Times

  • Monday 9am - 5pm
  • Tuesday 9am - 5pm
  • Wednesday 9am - 5pm
  • Thursday 9am - 5pm
  • Friday 9am - 5pm
  • Saturday 9am - 4pm
  • Sunday 9am - 3:30pm

Find us

157 College Rd, Liverpool L23 3AS

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0151 281 0175

So why are we called

The Azul Monkey?

Chapter One

Now there’s nothing stranger than a monkey with astonishing barista skills.

Chapter Two

Our story starts in sunny Jamaica. Adventurous Blue had stowed away on a fishing boat from the isle of Nevis to explore and forage in the blue mountains conversing with the swallowtails and orioles...

Chapter Three

He stumbled upon a rich yet delicate aroma way up high in the mountains, some 7000 feet to be precise.

Chapter Four

This amazing high altitude aroma led him to the Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Co.

Chapter Five

Blue was strangely entranced. It wasn’t long before he found himself head high in a hessian sack of these magical brown beans, only to be discovered by one of the company’s head grinder.

Chapter Six

He befriended Blue and slowly but surely taught this strange primate all that he needed to do, to make the perfect cup of coffee.

Chapter Seven

Blue was a natural, albeit furry and possessing poseable toes. In no time this monkey marvel became part of the family business.

Chapter Eight

Until one fateful day. It was the day before a big delivery of beans was meant to head out and Blue, diligent as ever was checking the aroma, the quality, its shape, its balance (as only Blue could do). The sack was Liverpool bound.

Chapter Nine

He dearly loved his blue mountain family, but life like the coffee he loved was about balance. So he decided again to stowaway on a ship in a sack bound for the port of Liverpool. Blue liked the idea of another glorious adventure.

Chapter Ten

The dock workers discovered him many months later after he had presumably survived on copious amounts of coffee and coffee cake he had stored in a knotted hanky for such a trip.

Chapter Eleven

Blue settled in Liverpool making fabulous brews for blues and reds alike. Bringing them the love of Jamaican Blue to this good city.

The Final Chapter

Azul Monkey is all about balance, the ying and the yang, the delicate and the rich, to work or to play, to drink in or take out. Make mine a cappuccino.



Meet the Troop

Marcus Routledge

Managing Director

Marcus background started in the entertainment and events industry as an entertainer, then moving his skills to set up one of the Northwest's most successful event companies, providing many of the hotel chains and private clients and event solutions. With 15 years in hospitality, he then moved over to becoming one of the Northwest's most popular breakfast & brunch concepts "Azul Monkey" His focus is creative part of the team, all the concept branding, aspect for Azul Monkey. His famous saying is "Trend is king"

Kellie Routledge

Managing Director

Kellie started her early career within the NHS as a nurse she is very much customer-focused. Kellie has an excellent proven record of organising and delivering over 10,000 events over 15 years; Kellie has always had a passion for food and an eye for detail, from the look, feel, the atmosphere, dedicated staff, quality food and service, it all has to be right! Her famous sayings are 'it is all about the customer journey and experience!' and "every ingredient needs to be right"

Chris Garreau

Executive Chef

Chris started his chef career in 2003, Quickly moving through the ranks within his early kitchen career, learning his trade in some of the UK's biggest restaurant chains travelling and training new chefs for new stores. Now settled and at home in our Crosby store. He has a massive passion for food and attention to detail and always gives his customers 100% satisfaction. He is a great leader, well respected and excellent at motivating and enhancing staff moral. His famous saying is " Work hard, work fast, work clean"

Joanne Eatwell

Team Manager Leader

Joanne has a wealth of experience with customer care. Joanne has a simple value that unpins everything we do; Be excellent, keeping our brand and standard along with excellent customer service at the for front of everything we do and believe in. Joanne's ethos is able to lead and inspire a team always motivating, supporting, and developing to deliver exceptional customer service. Her famous saying is " inspire, motivate and deliver excellent customer service"

Laura Stewart

Barista Team Leader

Laura started her trade in hospitality 15 years ago, learning and crafting her profession as a barista and team leader. Laura started in the early years by harnessing her skills among the large coffee chains across the UK; her skill set doesn't end at making great coffee but inspiring and leading our genuine and warm team in delivering excellent customer experiences. Her famous saying is " inspiring, leading, great tasting coffee, we can all do and love''

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